How To Paint Longboard? – Paint From Scratch

How To Paint Longboard - Paint From Scratch

Are you ready to ride on your own customized longboard? Whether a seasonal rider or a pro, painting your longboard from scratch is a fun and creative way to add your touch to your setup.

But where do you have to start? Here we have covered everything you need to know about how to paint your longboard from scratch, step by step, so grab your tools, and let’s get started.

Gather the Necessary Supplies to Start Painting

  • First and foremost, you will select a board style. There are many different styles of longboards available on the market. Find the right one according to your needs.
  • Next, a traditional painting is not negligible; you can use a brush. You will need some paint, brushes of various sizes, and masking tape. Additionally, sandpaper, varnish or polish, and gloves are essential equipment.
  • Many people choose a paint spray because you can be more creative and it’s easy to use. 
  • Choose the right one carefully, from different types of paintwork to other kinds of board.

For Example,

If you choose transparent coat paints that protect your board from scratches and minor damages, the matte paint gives your board a more aesthetically appealing appearance.


You will need some accessories for your longboard. These include wheels, bearings, trucks, and screws.

  • Selection of Wheels: It’s essential to choose the right size of wheels for your board. Giant board wheels create stability issues, while small wheels make riding difficult.
  • Bearings: The bearings play an essential role because they allow you to turn smoothly; they also come in different sizes and shapes depending on the need of your board.
  • Truckscrews: Truckscrews also come in different sizes, and you have to choose how tight they need to be.

Paint the Board through Brush 

Here. We explore how to paint a longboard with a brush.

Choose a Color & Design Scheme

When painting your longboard, you have plenty of options. You can get skateboard painting ideas from any custom shop or online and decide which design you want to emulate. Choose a color palette, and consider if you would like your design to be abstract or incorporate other elements, such as geometrical shapes.

Prepare the Longboard Surface for Painting

Now, it’s time to paint your longboard. Gather all the supplies and get started. Before painting, your board must thoroughly clean to remove dust and debris. Wipe it with a sponge if necessary. Use the sandpaper to sand the entire deck lightly. This will help you to get a better surface for painting. Ensure that all of the rough edges are removed. Now it’s ready for painting.

Paint the Base Coat 

Start by applying a light coat of paint over the entire surface of the longboard. Let the air dry for at least 1 hour. You can now start painting your desired color. A light coat makes the paint thick enough and quickly rubs off. If you want thicker paint, wait until after the base coat has dried completely before adding another layer.

Allow Time for Proper Drying

Once your board is completely dry, it’s time to start painting. Here you will coat the entire board with a base color. Use preventive measures not to overdo it, as this paint looks thick and heavy and sometimes gives a messy look.

When the base coat is completed, it’s time to add the little details. After that, add the final touch. For Example, If you want any design like dragon or fire, you can create through a fine brush to apply these details after all the other colors are dry using masking tape.

Paint the Edges

Paint the edges of the board carefully, as this will protect your skateboard from damage and make it water-resistant. 

First, use a paintbrush to apply a thin layer of paint to the edge of the board to paint the edges of your board. Make sure to cover all of the area around the edge carefully. 

Then, wait for the paint to dry completely before applying another layer of paint. Repeat this process until you’ve covered all of the advantages of your longboard with a sealant.

Final Look

So now your board is all painted and looking great! But there’s one last step: Polish. Polish gives your board a nice, glossy coat, protecting it from water and other damage.

To polish the surface all you need is;

Remove excess paint with a cloth or a sponge. Be sure first to remove all the dirt, dust, and fingerprints. Apply an appropriate amount of wax to your applicator. Spray the polish into the paint until you have a nice, even coating. Let the polish dry for at least 60 minutes. This will help prevent water spots and other problems down the road.

Spray Painting on The LongBoard 

  • Spray painting a longboard is creative and compelling to customize your board. This process involves using aerosol paint, which provides extra coverage over any part of the board. You can achieve professional-looking results with spray paint, and it’s easy to do.
  • Cleaning the board is essential for spray painting too. Once you clean the board, choose the type of aerosol paint you want for your longboard. 
  • A wide range of colors and brands is available, and you can buy cans of pre-mixed paint or mix your custom color. It’s essential to ensure the color is suitable for use on wood.

Precautionary Measure

When you’ve chosen the right paint, it’s time to start spray painting.

  • You should always wear a respirator while spraying to avoid breathing in harmful particles.
  • Start by shaking the paint thoroughly and then hold it at least 10 inches from the board. Move the can steadily while spraying, and keep the nozzle moving. 
  • Applying multiple thin coats of paint instead of one thick coat is also essential, giving you a smoother finish.

Tips for Painting a Longboard

Planning and Design

Start by planning the design and layout of your longboard. This will help you to avoid any mistakes in the painting process.

Selection of Paint and Primer

Choose the right paint and primer for your longboard – these must be resistant to water and UV light and provide a good surface finish.

Application of Paint

  •  Apply a coat of paint to the entire board using a brush or roller. Be sure to cover the wood surface evenly.
  •  Allow the paint to dry completely before applying another coat. Be sure to wait until the first coat has thoroughly dried before adding additional layers of color to avoid encountering difficulties later on down the line.
  • Once all of the coats of paint have been applied, give the board a final sealant treatment if necessary – this will help protect it from fading and water damage.


What kind of paint should I use on a longboard?

It depends on the individual’s needs and preferences regarding their board style.

Can I paint a longboard?

You can paint your board according to your needs.

What kind of paint do you use on a longboard?

You can use different kinds of acrylic or spray paint because they quickly cover a large surface area. It is available in a wide range of colors.
Overall, Painting your longboard is an exciting way to see your imagination into reality. Selecting a design for polishing is essential and ensures your board looks fantastic.

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