Longboard Vs. Cruiser Boards. What To Choose?

Longboard Vs Cruiser

The decision between choosing a longboard vs. cruiser board is an important one for any skateboarding enthusiast. Both board styles have their advantages and disadvantages. So, it’s important to understand how they differ before deciding which option is right for you. In this article, we’ll examine the distinct features of each type of board. We’ll also delve into the pros and cons of each to assist you in making an informed decision.


Longboards are longer than traditional skateboards, ranging from 33-60 inches long. They have broader decks, enhancing stability at high speeds and control during turns. This design feature makes them more stable at high speeds and easier to handle while turning. The extra length also provides better stability when taking on steep downhill runs. 

Cruiser Boards

Cruiser boards offer a similar riding experience to longboards but with some key differences. They tend to be shorter than longboards, ranging from 28-36 inches long, and have a more narrow deck design. Their smaller frame enhances their suitability for technical tricks and sharp turns. This increased maneuverability is helpful for those seeking precise control in their riding experience.

They also tend to be a bit lighter than longboards, making them easier to carry around when not in use. It makes them ideal for riders looking for something they can transport from place to place. 



Longboards, with their length and wider decks, offer superior stability. It makes them the ideal choice for downhill riding or high-speed cruising. They also provide more foot room, which is a plus for long-distance commutes. The smaller decks of cruiser boards can make them feel less stable, particularly at high speeds or on rough surfaces.


Here is where cruiser boards shine. Their smaller size and lighter weight make them ideal for executing quick turns or tricks. Due to their larger size, longboards may not offer the same level of agility. Their wider turning radius makes them easier to steer at high speeds.


Cruiser boards are generally lighter than longboards and easier to carry around. It makes them popular among casual riders or those who wish to carry their board on public transport. Due to their larger size, longboards can be less convenient to transport. However, they are often favored by individuals who use their boards for daily commuting.

Terrain Compatibility

Both longboard vs cruiser boards can handle a variety of terrains. With their larger wheels and more robust construction, longboards are well-suited for tackling rough surfaces. Cruiser boards are best suited for smooth pavements or park riding.


Price can vary based on the board’s brand, materials, and features. Longboards are more expensive than cruiser boards due to their larger size and the more materials used in their construction. But high-quality cruiser boards can also come with a hefty price tag.

Factors to consider when choosing

Personal Preference

Deciding between a longboard and a cruiser board often depends on personal preference. You should consider your skateboarding goals and what riding style you enjoy the most. A longboard might be your best choice if you prefer high-speed downhill rides and long-distance cruising. A cruiser board might be better if you’re more interested in performing technical tricks. 


You should also consider your budget when choosing between a longboard and a cruiser. High-quality boards can come with hefty price tags. So, it’s important to remember this when deciding which type of board is right for you. 

Advantages of Longboards

Longboards have many advantages over cruiser boards. They offer superior stability, suited for downhill riding or high-speed cruising. Their wider decks provide more foot room, which is beneficial for long-distance commutes. Their larger wheels and robust construction make them a great choice for tackling rough terrain. 

Advantages of Cruiser

Cruiser boards are often preferred for those looking for something more maneuverable. Their smaller size makes them ideal for executing quick turns or tricks. At the same time, their lighter weight makes them easier to carry around when not in use. They are also less expensive than longboards, making them a great option for riders on a budget. 


Why should I choose a longboard over a cruiserboard?

Longboards are better suited for downhill riding due to their superior stability. If you plan to use your board for long-distance commuting or prefer tackling rough terrains, a longboard would be ideal.

Why should I choose a cruiser board over a longboard?

People prefer cruiser boards for their lightweight and maneuverability. They are ideal for executing quick turns or tricks and are easier to carry when unused. 

Are longboards more expensive than cruiser boards?

Longboards are more expensive than cruiser boards due to their larger size and the more materials used in their construction. However, the price can vary based on the board’s brand, materials, and features.

Which board is best for a beginner?

Both longboards and cruiser boards can be suitable for beginners based on their preferences. People know longboards for their stability and ease of balance. These qualities make them an excellent choice for beginners focusing on stability.

Can I use my cruiser board for long-distance commuting?

Cruiser boards are better suited for short distances because of their smaller size and lighter weight. You can still use them for long-distance commutes if you desire. But longboards with larger decks provide more footroom, which benefits long-distance commutes.


When choosing a longboard vs. cruiser, it is important to consider personal preference and budget. Longboards excel in downhill riding thanks to their superior stability and wider decks. Their design makes them particularly well-suited for these styles of riding. 

Cruiser boards are favored for their lightweight build and exceptional maneuverability. These qualities make them ideal for executing quick turns and tricks. It comes down to individual preference and which riding style you enjoy the most. With various price points available, weighing your options before deciding is important. The possibilities are endless once you have chosen the right board and become familiar with its features.

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