How To Fall Longboard Properly Without Hurting Yourself

How To Fall Longboard

Longboarding is an exhilarating, liberating way to get around town and feel the wind in your hair. But while it’s thrilling, it can also be risky if you don’t take the necessary precautions when riding. Knowing how to fall longboard can help reduce the risk of injury. It can also make your time on the board much more enjoyable.

Preparing for a Fall

Learn the Roll

Before the inevitable fall happens, learning how to roll is crucial. Tuck your head in, round your back, and aim to land on the fleshy parts of your body to dissipate the impact.

Dress Appropriately

Wearing the right gear makes a difference. Helmets, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards can offer protection and reduce the risk of severe injury during a fall.

Practice Falling

Practicing the act of falling can help you instinctively react when a real fall occurs. Try to relax your body as much as possible during the fall to avoid injury.

Use a Safe Environment for Practice

Try practicing your falls in a safe, controlled environment like a grassy park or on mats before taking your longboard to the streets.

Tips for Falling Safely on a Longboard

Here are some tips for how to fall longboard.

Keep Your Body Relaxed 

When you fall, it’s important to stay as relaxed and loose as possible – no matter how uncomfortable the situation! It helps to dissipate the impact of the fall so that you don’t end up injured. 

Tuck in Your Head 

Tucking your head in helps to protect your neck and spine from injury during a fall. Move your chin towards your chest, curl up, and turn your body so that you land on the fleshier parts of yourself, like your arms and legs. 

Wear Protective Gear 

Wearing protective gear such as helmets, knee pads, and wrist guards can help reduce the risk of injury. It is especially important when you take a tumble.

Land on Your Fleshier Parts 

Aim to land on your fleshier parts, like your arms and legs, whenever possible. It will help dissipate the impact of the fall. It may be uncomfortable, but it’s an important habit to get into to stay safe. 

Get Back Up 

Once you’ve taken the fall, it’s important to get back up as soon as possible and keep riding! Don’t be afraid to take a moment or two to collect yourself after a tumble. But don’t let it prevent you from getting back into the groove. 

Advanced Falling Techniques

Step-down Spins 

Once you’ve mastered how to fall longboard, it’s time to explore more advanced techniques – like step-down spins! This move involves executing a spin before you hit the ground. It can help to reduce the impact and keep you safe during a fall. 

Slide Out 

Once you’re comfortable with spinning, try sliding out of a fall! It involves letting go of your board and gliding away from it while in mid-air. It’s a great way to stay safe when getting off the board – especially when approaching obstacles like stairs or curbs. 

Jumping Off 

Another advanced technique is jumping off the board. It can help to keep you safe when there’s no other option. Keep your head tucked in and protect your body as much as possible. So you don’t get injured after hitting the ground. 

Practicing Falling Safely

Falling off a longboard can be intimidating. But it’s an important skill to master to stay safe and have a great time on your board. To get started, practice in a safe environment like a grassy park or on mats. 

Once the basics are down, explore advanced techniques like step-down spins and sliding out. And don’t forget to wear protective gear like helmets, knee pads, and wrist guards – they can make a huge difference if you tumble! 

With enough practice, you’ll be able to stay safe and have a great time on your longboard. So don’t be afraid to take a few falls in the process – it’s all part of the learning experience!


How can I learn to fall safely off a longboard?

The best way to learn to fall is to practice in a safe environment and wear protective gear. Tuck your head in, round your back, and aim to land on the fleshy parts of your body when you take a tumble. You should also try exploring advanced techniques like step-down spins and sliding out. 

Are longboards dangerous?

Like any other sport or activity, longboarding comes with some risks. But if you take the necessary precautions, it can be a safe and enjoyable experience. Wear protective gear and know how to fall to reduce the risk of injury. 

How do I stay safe when longboarding?

Stay safe when longboarding by taking the necessary precautions. Wear protective gear, practice falling in a safe environment, and learn how to roll to react instinctively if you take a tumble. With enough practice, you’ll be able to enjoy your longboard. 

What type of protective gear should I wear? 

When longboarding, it’s important to wear the right protective gear. It includes helmets, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards – all of which can help reduce the risk of serious injury during a fall. 

What types of advanced techniques should I learn?

Once you’ve mastered the basics, explore more advanced techniques like step-down spins, sliding out, and jumping off. It’s also important to wear protective gear when practicing these moves. They can help reduce the risk of serious injury if you take a tumble. 


Falling off a longboard can be scary, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right technique of how to fall longboard, you can reduce your risk of injury and enjoy your ride even more. Remember to keep your body relaxed, tuck in your head, and practice falling in a safe environment. And before you know it, you’ll be zipping around town like a pro! 

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