What Is carving on A longboard – Great Performance Tips

What Is Carving On A Longboard

If you are looking for an exciting way to move around, carving on a longboard is one of the most exhilarating experiences. It’s the perfect blend of speed and style to make anyone look like a pro! Before jumping in and carving up your local pavements, there are some key things to know.

You must understand what is carving on a longboard and how to get the best performance out of your longboard. In this article, we’ll cover the basics of carving on a longboard and give you some useful tips for carving like a pro!

What is Carving? 

Carving with a longboard is all about turning in tight circles or arcs while maintaining speed. It’s an effective way to navigate obstacles or corners while maintaining board control. Carving on a longboard takes skill and practice. Once you’ve mastered it, you can weave around any corner in style!

How to Get Started 

Getting the right stance and equipment is the key to carving with a longboard. You’ll need an appropriate longboard setup that will allow you to carve well. Generally, this means having a wide deck and tall trucks with softer bushings. You may also want to invest in special longboard wheels designed for carving. They will grip the pavement better and give you more control when turning. 

Once you have your setup sorted, it’s time to get started! Ensure you have an appropriate stance for your carving. Stand in the middle of your board and have your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. It will give you more stability and control when turning.

Techniques for Effective Carving

Once you have the basics of what is carving on a longboard, it’s time to start mastering more advanced techniques. Here are some tips that will help you carve like a pro! 

Make Use of Terrain 

You can use uneven terrain to your advantage when carving. Using bumps and dips in the pavement can increase your speed and the tightness of your turns. This technique takes some practice to master, but it can enhance your carving performance.


Pumping is a technique to gain speed without pushing off with your feet. It involves shifting your weight from side to side while keeping one foot on the board. It creates a pumping motion that propels the board forward and keeps your speed up.

Use Rails 

Raised edges on the pavement, called rails, can help guide your longboard when carving. Rails will also provide extra grip for your wheels, allowing you to carve tighter turns without losing control of the board. Learning to use rails takes practice but can improve your carving performance.

Practice with a Partner 

Having someone to practice with makes learning to carve more fun and effective. Your partner can help you spot any mistakes or weaknesses in your technique and provide useful tips on improving. Plus, they can give you moral support when things are unplanned! 

Essential Tips for Carving 

Master the Weight Shifting 

Mastering the weight-shifting technique is crucial for effective carving. When you begin your turns, you must shift your weight from your toes to your heels and vice versa. Leaning in the direction you want to turn will make your carve smoother and faster.

Maintain Your Speed 

Maintaining a consistent speed is another key aspect of carving. When you carve, the board loses some speed due to the constant changes in direction. To compensate for this, you need to push off with your foot or use the momentum of your body to propel the board forward.

Safety Gear is a Must 

Safety should always be a priority when carving on a longboard. Wear appropriate safety gear, including a helmet and knee pads. These will protect you from falls and injuries as you learn and perfect your carving technique. 

Keep Your Body Flexible 

Keeping your body flexible is crucial for effective carving. Try to keep your knees slightly bent and your body loose. It allows you to shift your weight and adjust your balance, which is vital for maintaining control over the board during carving.

Troubleshooting Common Carving Issues

Too Much Speed 

If you find yourself carving too quickly, take a few moments to slow down and then practice pumping to regain speed. Don’t be afraid to adjust your stance on the board or change your weight distribution to control the speed. 

Not Enough Grip 

If you’re having difficulty turning, you may need to adjust the angle of your trucks or get softer bushings for better grip. You can also try using rails, as they will provide extra grip and stability. 

Difficulty Turning 

It could be a few things if you’re having difficulty turning on your board. Adjust your stance to center yourself on the board and keep your feet from being too far apart. You may also need to adjust the trucks or bushings for better grip or practice more weight-shifting techniques. 


What kind of longboard is best for carving?

The best longboard for carving usually has a larger and wider deck with softer bushings and a flexible deck. This setup allows for better control and turns while carving. 

How can I improve my carving skills?

Improving your carving skills involves consistent practice, mastering weight-shifting techniques, and using terrain. Remember, always start with simple turns and move to more complex ones as you gain confidence. 

How do I maintain my speed while carving?

Maintaining speed while carving involves pumping, shifting your weight from side to side, and creating forward momentum. You can also maintain speed by using the terrain to your advantage.

Is carving possible on flat surfaces?

Yes, carving can be done on flat surfaces. Learning to carve on a flat surface is a great way to start. It helps you master weight shifting and turning without dealing with the added complexity of slopes or uneven terrain.

What safety equipment is necessary for carving on a longboard?

Safety should always be a priority when carving on a longboard. Essential safety gear includes a helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads. Wrist guards can also be useful, especially for beginners. 


What is carving on a longboard – Carving with a longboard is mastering the basics before moving on to more advanced techniques. With some patience and practice, you can master the art of carving and glide around any corner in style! Always wear your safety gear and practice to stay safe and become a pro carver. 

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